A New Leap Forward the World, TmaxTibero
Based on our global HQ in the U.S., TmaxTibero has expended throughout AMS (America, Brazil, Canada), EMEA(U.K., Russia, Turkey, France, Spain), APAC(Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Australia) — total of 18 countries, and we have been actively participating in global business as a global IT brand.
TmaxTibero will continue to expand globally via strategical partnerships with diverse regions and countries as well as global sales.
🌐 History
- Tibero 7 Released
- Tibero Registered as World’s First DBMS with TAC Double Configuration (AWS Market Place)
- Tibero Selected as DBMS for Korea’s COVID-19 Emergency Relief Funds
- Tibero Selected as DBMS for Korea’s ‘e-learning center’ for remote school
- Hyundai Motors Global IT Infrastructure - Tibero Introduction
- Tmax R&D Center 2.0 Established
- Tmax Deutschland Founded
- Tmax France Founded
- Tmax Spain Founded
- Tmax Hong Kong Founded
- Tmax Taiwan Founded